New Selected Journals 1939 - 1995

First Edition, first impression, with printing sequence line '24681097531'. Publisher's black boards..

W. H. Auden. A Tribute

Spender, Stephen

W. H. Auden. A Tribute

First Edition, second impression (April 1975), in the month following first publication. Publisher's..

The Unknown Orwell

Stansky, Peter and Abrahams, William

The Unknown Orwell

First Edition. Publisher's brown boards with gilt lettering to spine, and yellow-brown endpapers. Cl..

Philip Larkin. Letters to Monica

First Edition, first impression, with printing sequence line '24681097531'. Publisher's burgundy pap..

Rupert Brooke. The Splendour and the Pain

First Edition. Publisher's blue boards with bright gilt lettering to spine. Clear, removable, archiv..

The Life & Selected Works of Rupert Brooke

Revised and updated edition (first published in 1992 by Breeze Books). Publisher's black boards with..

Naked Angels. The Lives and Literature of the Beat Generation

First Edition. Publisher's quarter red buckram with black lettering to spine, black buckram boards w..

Gordon of Khartoum. The Saga of a Victorian Hero

First Edition, first issue, with printing sequence numbers '10987654321'. Publisher's yellow paper c..

Writers of the Spanish Civil War. The Testimony of their Auto/Biographies

First Edition. Publisher's illustrated card wrappers, now with a clear, removable, archival protecti..

The Letters of Sylvia Beach

First Edition, second printing, with printing sequence line 'C1098765432'. Publisher's yellow cloth ..

Betjeman. A Life

Wilson, A.N.

Betjeman. A Life

First American Edition, first impression, with printing sequence line showing '13579108642'. Publish..

Mad Girl's Love Song. Sylvia Plath and Life Before Ted

First Edition, first impression, with printing sequence line '13579108642'. Publisher's green paper-..

Siegfried Sassoon. The Journey from the Trenches. 1918-1967

First Edition, first impression. Publisher's blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Clear, removab..

Siegfried Sassoon. The Making of a War Poet. A Biography 1886-1918

First Edition, first impression. Publisher's black boards with gilt lettering to spine. Clear, remov..

Persia in the Great Game. Sir Percy Sykes: Explorer, Consul, Soldier, Spy.

First Edition. Publisher's red cloth with gilt lettering to the spine and grey endpapers. Clear, rem..

Showing 61 to 75 of 81 (6 Pages)
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