Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by Mervyn Horder. First published three volumes by Henry Colburn in May or June 1850. A..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by Paul Johnson. First published in the Fortnightly Review between April 1873 and April..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by Joanna Trollope. First published in Blackwood's Magazine in eight instalments from ..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by John Letts. First published by Chapman and Hall in 1863. A book in Fine condition in..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by John Letts. Ralph the Heir was first published as serial text as a supplement to St...
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by Sue Bradbury. This book was first published serially in Macmillan's Magazine from Ma..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by Louis Auchincloss. The American Senator was first published in serial form in Temple..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by David Skilton. First published serially in the Fortnightly Review from 15th May 1865..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by David Skilton. The Bertrams was first published in three volumes by Chapman and Hall..
Trollope, Anthony
Fine in fine slipcase. Introduction by Anthony Jukes. First published as a serial text in Good Words..
Trollope, Anthony
Introduction by Frank Delaney. The Landleaguers was first published in serial form in 'Life: A Weekl..
Trollope, Anthony
First Bookform Edition. Two Volumes with thirty-two illustrations by George H. Thomas. Bound from th..
Trollope, Anthony
Name inscribed on title page. Introduction by Owen Dudley Edwards. First published in book form by T..
Trollope, Anthony
First Edition in four volumes. Bound in half brown morrocco with marbled boards and edges, gilt titl..
Trollope, Anthony
First Edition thus. Introduction by Julian Symons and illustrated by Peter Reddick. First published ..