Folios of New Writing. Spring 1941

First Edition. Publisher's orange cloth with gilt lettering to front cover and spine. Clear, removab..

The Reader's Digest Book of Christmas

First Edition (stated). Publisher's red glossy paper-covered boars with gilt lettering and holly mot..

War Poems on the Underground 1914 - 1918

A card covered small publication containing twenty poems including 'The Long War' by Laurie Lee. The..

The Penguin Poets, Contemporary Verse

Allott, Kenneth [Editor, Introduction and Notes]

The Penguin Poets, Contemporary Verse

Reprint of 1951 edition. Paperback binding with printed and decorated covers. Small Octavo. pp. [1-5..

People Within. A New Collection of Poetry By Present-Day Poets

First Edition. Publisher's blue cloth with black lettering to spine and front board. Clear, removabl..

Portraits of Poets

Barker, Christopher

Portraits of Poets

First Edition. Paperback. Publisher's card covers with a photograph of Philip Larkin on the front co..

A Cotswold Camera

Beard, Howard

A Cotswold Camera

First Edition with a Foreword by Laurie Lee. Illustrated glossy card covers. Octavo. pp. 80, and ful..

Signs in the Dark for Chorus and String Orchestra

Sheet Music vocal score. Four of Laurie Lee's poems set to music composed by Lennox Berekley: 'Day o..

A Treasury of Stories for Eight Year Olds

Blishen, Edward and Nancy (Compilers)

A Treasury of Stories for Eight Year Olds

First Edition, first impression, with printing sequence line '10 987654321'. Publisher's illustrated..

Light on a Dark Horse. An Autobiography. 1901-1935

Reprinted First Edition with a Foreword by Laurie Lee. Publisher's red cloth with gilt lettering to ..

A Literary Tour of Gloucestershire and Bristol

First Edition. Illustrated card covers. Octavo. pp. [2], xvi, 200, [4], illustrated...

Ten Poets of Our Own Time

Charlton, J.M.

Ten Poets of Our Own Time

First Edition. Illustrated paper-covered boards. No dust-jacket as issued. Octavo. xiv, 138. The te..

Horizon. Review of Literature & Art. Vol. VIII, No. 48, December 1943

Publisher's printed wraps. Octavo. pp. 367-434, plus advertisements. At this time Connolly had writt..

100 Favourite Poems of the Countryside

First Edition thus. CN 8605. Publisher's blue cloth with gilt framed lettering to spine and pale blu..

The Chatto Book of Modern Poetry 1915-1955

First Edition. Publisher's blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Clear, removable, archival prote..

Showing 1 to 15 of 113 (8 Pages)
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