The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone 1858-1863. Central African Archives, Oppenheimer Series 9.

'Presentation Edition limited to thirty copies', this copy unnumbered / out of series. Two volumes b..

The Little Stranger

Waters, Sarah

The Little Stranger

LIMITED EDITION in red slipcase with white lettering to front and verso, SIGNED by the author. Limit..

The Night Watch

Waters, Sarah

The Night Watch

LIMITED EDITION, one of 1,000 numbered copies so issued. SIGNED by the author on the title page. Pub..

X  Volume One 1960-61

Wright, David

X Volume One 1960-61

LIMITED EDITION, being one of an edition of 800 copies containing the bound four parts of Volume 1 o..

Ted Hughes: The Unaccomodated Universe. With Selected Critical Writings by Ted Hughes & Two Interviews.

A Limited Numbered Edition, this being 'No. 169' of 294 copies DOUBLE-SIGNED by Ted Hughes and the a..

The More Deserving Cases. Eighteen Old Poems for Reconsideration


The More Deserving Cases. Eighteen Old Poems for Reconsideration

LIMITED EDITION. One of 400 copies in full morocco leather SIGNED by the author, of which this is nu..

Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts By Rupert Brooke, Edward Marsh and Christopher Hassall.

LIMITED EDITION. This is Number 16 of 400 copies on Wookey Hole pure rag paper, bound by the Wigmore..

A Summer's Fancy.

[The Beaumont Press] Blunden, Edmund

A Summer's Fancy.

LIMITED EDITION. 'No. 47' of 80 copies (5 of which were not for sale) printed on hand-made parchment..

Other Minds


Other Minds

LIMITED EDITION of 138 copies of which this is one of 100 numbered copies, being Number '81', which ..

Dear Mercia. Paul Nash letters to Mercia Oajley, 1909-18

[The Fleece Press] Boulton, Janet [Editor]

Dear Mercia. Paul Nash letters to Mercia Oajley, 1909-18

Sole Edition, one of 300 copies of which 250 were for sale. Publisher's quarter brown cloth and deco..

The North Ship.

[The Fortune Press] Larkin, Philip.

The North Ship.

Smooth dark red buckram with gilt lettering to spine, produced without dust-jacket. Stated 'First Pu..

Lyrics and Unfinished Poems

[THE GREGYNOG PRESS] Abercrombie, Lascelles

Lyrics and Unfinished Poems

LIMITED EDITION by The Gregynog Press. Copy No. 157 of 175 copies with an Introduction by Wilfred Gi..

Mandeville's Travellers

[The Mandeville Press] [Heaney, Seamus]

Mandeville's Travellers

LIMITED EDITION of 300 copies. Illustrated limp card covers. Quarto. pp. [8]. A prospectus for 'Mand..

The Web of Life.

[The Samurai Press] Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson.

The Web of Life.

LIMITED EDITION of 300 hand-printed copies. Publisher's grey paper-covered boards with beige quarter..

Poems for Alan Hancox.

[The Whittington Press] Lee, Laurie.

Poems for Alan Hancox.

LIMITED EDITION, number '28' of an edition of 350 copies printed on Zerkall mould-made paper. Patter..

Showing 91 to 105 of 106 (8 Pages)
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