Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum conducted by C. Leonard Woolley, M.A. and T.E. Lawqrence, B.A. Part 1 Introductory.

The 1969 photolithographic reprint of the Report first published in 1914. Publisher's dark blue buck..

Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Jerablus on behalf of the British Museum conducted by C. Leonard Woolley, M.A., T.E. Lawrence, B.A. and P.L.O.Guy. Part 1 Introductory and Part II The Town Defences

Two volumes of the 1969 photolithographic reprint of the Report first published in 1914 (Part I) and..

Kanchenjunga. First Ascent from the North-East Spur

First Edition, first impression. Publisher's blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Clear, removab..

Franklin. Tragic Hero of Polar Navigation

First Edition, first impression, with printing sequence line '24681097531'. Publisher's black boards..

The Wilderness of Zin

Lawrence, T.E., and Woolley, C Leonard

The Wilderness of Zin

Revised Edition with a Preface by Jonathan Tubb and and an Introduction by T. Sam N. Moorhead. Rinte..

Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa.

A fine facsimile edition photographically reproduced from the first edition of 1857, lavishly illust..

The Remarkable Expedition. The story of Stanley's rescue of Emin Pasha.

First Edition, first printing. Publisher's green cloth with silver lettering to spine and publisher'..

The Land of Uz

Mansur, Abdullah (G. Wyman Bury)

The Land of Uz

First Edition. Publisher's red cloth with blind rules to boards, gilt rules and lettering to spine, ..

Farthest North

Nansen, Fridtjof

Farthest North

First Edition in two volumes. One hundred and twenty full page and numerous text illustrations with ..

A Book of Travellers' Tales

First Reprint, 1986. Publisher's black cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Clear, removable, archiva..

Great Ascents. A Narrative History of Mountaineering

First Edition, first impression. Publisher's bright blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Clear, ..

The Empty Quarter being a description of the Great South Desert of Arabia known as Rub' al Khali

First Edition, first impression, in the first issue brown cloth binding, with the book plate of Kenn..

The Land of Midian

Philby, H. StJ. B.

The Land of Midian

First Edition. Publisher's green boards, spine lettered in black. Clear, removable, archival protect..

Escape from Baghdad

Raswan, Carl R.

Escape from Baghdad

First Edition. Publisher's original black cloth with white lettering to the spine and map endpapers...

Adventures in the Near East 1918-1922

Rawlinson, A., C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O.

Adventures in the Near East 1918-1922

First Edition. Publisher's dark blue cloth, spine and upper cover lettered in gilt, top edge gilt. O..

Showing 16 to 30 of 50 (4 Pages)
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